Detailed information about the current moon see HERE:

21st lunar day
Phase III of the Moon
from Full Moon to IV quarter
Waning moon

Day of reforms, reconstructions,
moving forward


Day of courage, brotherhood
Day of gaining health and healing arts
Energy of this day awakens in man the active principle, it gives courage, confidence, determination.
On this day you need to strive to be honest and fair even in small things. Day of voluntary sacrifice, renunciation of property. Day celebration of everything new, persistence in attaining goals. Day conclusions, learning outcomes, examinations and professional tests. Day of active, creative, day of sports.

On this day, you can give the oath of allegiance, must strive not to lie, to be absolutely clean and fair. All group classes are useful - it is a day of friendship, bringing people together. Day astral warriors, chivalry. It evokes a sense of nobility and justice and a sense of order. In humans appears determination to change anything, or radically solve the accumulated problems. Spend the day will not be difficult, because today we get a hundredfold return of power expended for one month.
Search for missing people, things, animals succeed.
For thieves and criminals that day very miserable and unhappy, they will be quickly detected and punished.

Dreams are not important, they are rarely enforced. Forget about them
  New business
The works started on this day, usually succeed
Good for business, ventures and transactionsand for group work
Good to deal with financial issues
  Real Estate
Great for any real estate transactions
Good for trade
  Legal Proceedings
For scandals bad day
No impact on the arts
Suitable for continuing creativity
  Studies, Exams
It is a day of friendship, unification of people - you can feel the charm of human communication. Well that day to hold rallies, meetings, brainstorming sessions and other public events
  Clarification of relationship
Bad for scandals
  Communicating with the boss
You can contact the Boss with small issues
  Changing jobs
Very favorable day for the change of place of work
  Travel, business trips
The day is favorable for traveling, trips and business trips, but only by road
  Moving to a new location
Very favorable day
Very favorable day for relax
  Physical activity
Bad day for severe, hard work. But comfortable for sports (especially running).
Great day to devote home affairs.
It is suitable for marriages and engagements.
  Make love
Day is well suited for proximity. The slogan of the day - the activity, vigor, passion, innovation and creativity.
  Getting Pregnant
Day suitable for conception. Conception to this day can be fighters or fans poets. They are waiting for hard work and patience, honor, deeds and the pursuit of chivalry.
  Born on this day They will differ diligence, hard work, patience, self-restraint, self-control. May be in its lowest form invincible puffed up with pride, in a fit of blind to the goal did not notice anything, "trampling" of others. In the top version - it clean and honest knights, strong-willed, the defenders of justice. They noted the hard work and operation, patience and restraint.
Feasts today will be very good
limited use of alcohol
Diseases can be dangerous. Therefore, the patient requires a serious and attentive care. There is an acute illness or rapid recovery begins.
There is a danger of poisons and toxins, therefore contraindicated load on the liver. It is necessary to carry out a blood-purifying procedure - to drink herbal teas, eat carrots, cranberries, beets, rowan, grenades. Recommended baths, showers, pouring, hardening, walking on air. On this day, for the sake of health is easy to quit bad habits
  Vulnerable part of the body   Liver, blood system
  Hair Care
Calendar of haircut
The result of hair cutting on the 21st lunar day acording the moonhoroscope:
Circumcision of hair will give a person greater beauty and will contribute to the growth of well-being.
The result of hair cutting on the 21st lunar day acording the Tibetan calendar:
fear of sickness.
  Symbols Horse, herd of horses, chariot
  Stones, signatures Pyrite, Zircon, Aventurine, obsidian
  Meditation Parts of the body, especially the legs
  Symbosl 21th lunar day - Mustang, horse, Temple, herd, chariot. A horse is a symbol of endless hope, an active pursuit of a goal, chivalry, honor, duty, sincerity and brotherhood. The chariot points out that the path taken on this day is not chaotic, not meaningless, but fully realized and subordinated to a specific goal. The herd of horses is all the "horsepower" of your body. The body is the chariot, the mind is the charioteer. This is a very creative and active day. Characterize this day a voluntary sacrifice, courage, fearlessness and rejection of property. Successful group lessons, you can swear fidelity. You have to be fair and honest. On this lunar day, the journey begun, the transition to a new job will be successful. Useful physical exercises and water procedures, as well as time spent in the fresh air. At this time, you can safely overcome the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies. New contacts and deeds will be successful. The trips will be successful. There will be interesting proposals that will expand the business and improve your financial situation. Good contacts with the authorities, political and public figures will be reflected.   

Phase III of the Moon
from Full Moon until the fourth quarter
for every day of a quarter
(16-22 lunar days)
Compression: Jan growth
There are disturbances of activity of digestive organs, be especially attentive to their health, try not to get sick at this time.
Manifested increased sexual activity.

Health treatments

You can successfully withstand the high physical activity (especially in the last third - 19, 20, 21 th lunar day);
Water treatment: a contrast shower in the first phase;
local procedures on the lower back as a warm-up, compresses, etc.

Treat your teeth better in 3 and 4th phases of the moon (when the moon is in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).
The first and the third phase - the best recovery period after fasting.


Do not eat spicy, fried foods, animal products. You need to eat yang foods, and in the second half of phase more "charging", fresh, juicy, watery, tepid food. You can eat more roughage than in the 1st phase, but you can not overeat.

The third phase of the Moon - Moon Waning

A lot of energy, and it can be spent on the creation of a new, self-improvement. This period can be compared with the onset of puberty. Human has matured and should fully implement all what he can do. The body is configured for activity splash on its inside. We gain inner freedom and independence, and therefore able for very much.

Do not miss this moment!
Because then,before the new moon, power will decrease.
On the waning moon is necessary to finish the case started during the growing moon. Operations succeed better than other times, almost all the household work are obtained. If someone eats more than at any other time, it does not add weight so quickly.
This period is favorable for planting "underground" of vegetables and unfavorable for the annular budding fruit trees.

If you properly behave during previous phases of the moon, previously conceived works are obtained by the best way possible in the third phase.
All that will undertake - is obtained easily: apartment cleaning, hard physical or intensive mental labor. However, do not overestimate your capabilities, ahead the change of lunar phases fraught by stress, and then power will slowly decrease.


Notes to the lunar calendar


Symbols - figurative representation of the lunar day. Above the Symbols think and meditate.
Stones - recommendations on the selection of jewelry on this day.Signature - the medieval Latin signature - a sign from the Latin signo - indicate designate.
Yang food
carries body heat, making the body more solid, full of gravitational energy and contributes to the compression of the body - it is mostly dry, cooked food, rich in trace elements, water retention in the body, it is recommended to use in cold weather. Excess of yang foods in the diet contributes to tension, and irritability. Yin yang food cures the disease.
YANG foods: wheat, buckwheat, rice, millet, carrots, radishes, turnips, onions, sheep cheese, cheese, apples, strawberries, chestnuts, fennel, parsley, horseradish, thyme, sage, cabbage, rye bread.
Yin foods
full of electromagnetic energy and aids in cooling and expansion of the body, make the body soft and sluggish - it's basically a fresh vegetable, watery foods, rich in trace elements leading out water from the body. It is recommended to use during the hot period. Its surplus in the diet produces fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, pallor.
YIN foods: corn, rye, barley, oats, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, beans, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, green beans, beets, garlic, yogurt, all dairy products, pineapples, pears, all other fruits , honey, vegetable oil, bay leaf, tea.
People like "Slime" - full, big-boned, slow, not irritable.
People like "The Wind" - are thin, fine-boned, physically poorly developed, fast.

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