Hair cut calendar ladies 2024 December
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  Lunar calendar of the best days to haircut
and hair care for December 2024

When cutting hair? We owe much to the natural law, which states that the motion of the moon affects the growth and quality of hair. You can achieve great results, if you seriously treat the lunar rules of hair care
See moon phase calendar HERE: >>>
Haircuts and hair care moon phases for haircuts and hair care
Does all of this really work?
How to calculate the best days to cut, remove, paint
and curl your hair with a Moon Calendar
It has long been known that a change in the lunar phases affects all life on our planet, including humans. Very often, the cause of sudden headaches, irritability, sensitivity and all other emotional outbursts
is precisely the Moon. How can we protect ourselves from the negative impact of the Moon and use its power for ourselves? And, in particular, in which moon phases haircut is it better?
Lunar calendar
Lunar calendar
Haircut lunar calendar for December 2024: auspicious and unsuccessful calendar days for hair cutting:
Молодая Луна
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Calendar of hair coloring for December 2024: favorable and unfavorable days:
Video review of the lunar calendar

  How to calculate the best days to cut, remove, paint and curl your hair with a Moon Calendar:
Legend of the Lunar Calendar haircuts:
New Moon
New Moon
Full Moon
Full Moon
Waning Moon
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
Young Moon
VERY BAD lunar day

1. Go to the page of the Lunar Calendar today (opens in new window),
to determine in which sign of the Zodiac the Moon is today.
Moreover, on the Lunar Calendar you will also learn auspicious days for starting important business in different areas of life.
2. Come back to this page and read the recommendations of the Lunar Calendar Hair Care products for the corresponding Zodiac sign, considering the phase of the Moon:  

When you need to cut hair according to the Lunar Calendar (Chart)?
Properly choosing the time for cutting hair, you certainly do not get a guarantee that they will not fall out. Very often with lush hair has to leave because of the side effects of medications, hormonal changes, mental disorders. Hair may fall out during pregnancy and puberty, but then the structure of the hair is restored.

  Choose the right time to cut hair - is the perfect way to keep a beautiful hairstyle.
Verify this by doing!
 Rules and recommendations of the Lunar Calendar for the good day for haircut
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon

Very good: Leo and Virgin when the Moon is waning, or the young Moon:
Hair, cut under the sign of Leo, are thick, but trimmed under sign of the Virgin, grow quickly, keep their shape longer and preserve the beauty.
Hair, cut at a young moon, remain healthy and grow fast.
If you have cut at the waning Moon, the hair also remain healthy, but will grow slowly.

Young Moon
  Well: the young Moon, except for the days of Cancer and Pisces.  
Waning (Old) Moon
Poor: the waning Moon in Capricorn.  
Waning (Old) Moon
Bad: under the signs of Aries and Gemini. In your hair may appear bald spots, if you repeatedly cut them at the waning Moon under these signs.  
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
Very bad: in the days of the Cancer and Pisces. If possible, try on those days did not even wash his head..  
! Possible consequences of a wrong choice of time for cutting hair: thin hair, hair loss, dandruff.

If your hair is falling out, too thin or too fat, recommended a "course",
the impact of which is bound to affect:
From February to August, every month you need to cut your hair or just the tips of the hair in the days of Leo. During this period, Leo is always growing Moon, which enhances the effect. "The quality of the Lion" particularly affects male hormones, maybe this is the reason the "hairy" days of Leo influence (ie, the hair becomes stronger).
In these days, once or twice a week, whisk the one or two eggs (yolk and white) and rub them after washing into scalp. Wait a while and then rinse the head several times with water.
It is important that the last rinse was done with cool water. The temperature is correct, if it is felt as a head cold. This advice should always be used, even if you have a healthy and strong hair.
Do not use a hair dryer at this time. But if it necessarily to happen, then wait after washing, at least a quarter of an hour. Never hair blown by "the wrong way" and too hot air, it destroys any long hair.
Previously, you were wearing a short haircut, and now you want to have long hair,
but are afraid that as long as the hair grow back, you will have sloppy form?

Your recipe is simple:
one day in March, start changing hairstyles and within six months trim the hair just under the sign of the Virgin when the young moon. When hair reached the desired length, the transition period has come to an end. Hairstyles transitional phase you no longer need.

  Rules and recommendations of the Lunar Calendar for the best days for HAIR REMOVAL, Waxing  
Waning (Old) Moon
Very good: the waning Moon in Capricorn.
Long enough hair will grow slowly.
Waning (Old) Moon
  Well: the waning moon, except for the sign of Leo and Virgin.  
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
The hair in the ears and nose should be cut under the sign of Pisces, then they will be fine and will not be pricked. Fine hair you need and in any case can not be removed completely. Do not rip out and do not use chemicals. Chemistry has nothing to do either in your nose or in your ears.
Waning (Old) Moon
Neutral: the waning Moon in the sign of Aries and Taurus.  
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
Poor: the young and the waning Moon in the signs of Leo and Virgin.  
Young Moon
Very bad: the young Moon in Leo and the Virgin.  
! Possible consequences of a wrong choice of time for hair removal: hair quickly grow and become more dense.
Particularly unpleasant such hair in the nose, because it starts to bang.
  If you often have headaches or migraines, try to make a short hairstyle.
Discard chemicals for hair care, and in the evening spray the head with cool water.
 Recommendations of the Lunar Calendar (Chart) for the best days for SHAVE the HAIR
Day for shave in lunar:
Beard grows faster at a young Moon than in the waning.
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
If you shave every 2-3 days, do not do it in the days of Aries - may appear in the beard receding hairline.
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Horn - it is a living substance that can accumulate substances from the environment: dirt, dust, and above all - radiation. During the day long hair can accumulate a large enough charge, especially if you use chemicals and artificial materials in the form of hair fixers, gel, and so on.
Did you ever wanted to cut your hair very short?
Often a person has such thoughts, but, surprisingly, they disappear, you only wash your hair

 Recommendations of the Lunar Calendar for the best days for HAIR COLORING

Young Moon
Paint, painted with a young Moon, stays the longest, and the color is more intense.
Waning (Old) Moon
Paint, painted with the waning Moon, washed off quickly.
  Earlier in the water to wash your hair added a bit of vinegar, so the hair beautifully glittered. Vinegar has not lost this effect so far, you can use it today, especially as it is not harmful to the environment as opposed to the modern chemical cosmetics.
Vinegar is especially useful for curly hair.
 Rules and recommendations of the Lunar Calendar for the best days for HAIR CURLER
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
Very good: under sign of the Virgin at any Moon.
Hair is not whipped, they hold out very long beautiful curls.
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
  Well: not under the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Aquarius.  
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
Bad: sometimes under the sign of Leo, because it turns out perm too strong. But, if you have straight heavy hair, which does not hold any curl, try again, now under the sign of Leo.  
Waning (Old) Moon
Young Moon
Very bad: under the signs of Cancer, Pisces and Aquarius.  

! Possible consequences of a wrong choice of time for curling hair: tired, brittle, discolored, dull hair.

Some lunar calendars are "exact" instructions, but it is only tribute to fashion not based on any data. Some abused knowledge about the moon, giving useless and redundant information. This can not be avoided, although it is often frustrating, because the ancient knowledge is so valuable, that offer them for the fun of the day it is not necessary. J. Paungger, T. Poppe


Favourable and unfavourable days for hair cutting
in the Tibetan calendar

Tibetan calendar is primarily based on the moon stages and it isn't possible to switch it directly into gregorian device, because due to unique calculation every year, sure days are omitted (e.g. after the third lunar day, the 5th one follows), or doubled (e.g. there are forth days, one after any other). therefore, the 10th day after the new moon (calculated in keeping with western calendar), for instance, not constantly corresponds to the tenth day of the lunar calendar; it is able to be the 8th or the 11th day – relying on left out or doubled day earlier than. In the calendar date are favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair. Dates were taken from the Tibetan calendar of astrologers, including changes (missed or doubledays).
FAVOURABLE days of the lunar month for cutting the hair are: the 8th to bring longevity; the 9th to bring attractive energy; the 10th to bring magnetism; the 11th to bring intelligence; the 26th and 27th to bring happiness.
UNFAVOURABLE days are: the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 12th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 25th, 28th and 29th days of the lunar month. Cutting one’s hair on these days will lead to a loss of vitality.
Source: Benchen Monastery Community


Opinion of the user Lunar calendar:
Haircut lunar calendar
Does all of this really work?

I experimented with some of these beauty care routines before publishing this article and this is what I found… Firstly, I just want to point out that the mind is a powerful thing and sometimes it sees what it wants to see, so I will admit there could be some bias in my results but I do feel that it worked! When I shaved my legs during the waning Moon (after the Full Moon) I didn’t really notice much of a difference, however when I waited till the waning Moon entered one of the “slow growth” astrological signs, I really noticed a difference. I feel like my hair grew back much slower and came back finer. The only problem with this is having to wait for the Moon to enter one of those signs! This doesn’t always work out so well and would probably take some serious planning. I also experimented with cutting my hair during the waxing moon (after the New Moon) however, it was really hard to tell how fast it grew back. One thing I did notice however, was that after getting my hair cut during the waxing Moon, it definitely seemed to be shedding less and I wasn’t seeing as many clumps of hair in the drain after my shower. I know people who swear by this method and it definitely is worth trying. I am not sure if I personally would bother using it for my hair cut or nails, but for shaving, waxing and plucking, I am hooked!
Copyright 2019 Forever Conscious

Haircut lunar calendar
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haircut auspicious days lunar calendar, moon phases for haircut
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Nature is perfect, and not our narrow and primitive ideas of perfection. True beauty is that which emphasizes the perfection of nature. J. Paungger, T. Poppe
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Lunar Calendar of the best time for haircut and hair care (shaving, coloring, perms) products based on materials:
Johanna Paungger, Tomas Poppe Guided by the Moon, Moon Time, Anything goes! – At the right time -