at the Sun. Are these lines parallel?
Or are they curved?

the 2 parallel lines in the given illusion and the change
in their parallelism
as the background pattern changes. At the end they no longer
appear to be parallel tough they are. |

Hering, (born Aug. 5, 1834, Alt-Gersdorf, Saxony [Germany]
- died Jan. 26, 1918, Leipzig, Ger.) German physiologist
and psychologist whose chief work concerned the physiology
of colour perception. He taught at the University of Leipzig
(1895), following professorships at the Josephs-Akademie,
Vienna (1865–70), and at the University of Prague
(1870–95). Hering challenged the colour-vision theory
of Hermann von Helmholtz, postulating three types of receptors,
each capable of a dual response to pairs of colours (yellow–blue,
red–green, or black–white). He also investigated
respiration and, with Josef Breuer in 1868, demonstrated
the role of the vagus nerve in the regulation of breathing.
This neural pathway was later referred to as the Hering-Breuer